Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Do you know your blog buddies

Do you know your blog buddies

When I saw this quiz on spices by Santhi, I thought : Why not a quiz about our fellow-bloggers? Ok, we dont know each other that well, but there are always a few bits of information to be seen in some corners. :)

By the way, before I start, let me make it clear that the questions are not in any particular order. No preference or priority here. I just went on writing as it came to my mind.

If you know who I am talking about, then just leave your answers in the comments section. Ill publish the answers, when the time is right(!). And hey, if I have not included you in the quiz, its just that I didnt think of anything quizzy. I appreciate you as a fellow-blogger anyway.

One more important thing: Do you really wanna get into the temptation of reading others comments? (You must have got caught copying in school exams then!)

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Ok, then. Get ready for the answers, Folks.

1. If it is weekend, she must be baking. - Pushpa with her Weekend Baking Sessions

2. No, they dont preach Geeta here. Its just a food blog. - Krishna & Arjunas World

3. Lets see how her lemon pickle turns out in the end. - Manisha. Check out her lemon pickle.

4. He is a ... well, that itself is a clue. Mela kya? Sorry, mila kya? - Tony with his Curry Mela. The only man running a food-blog apart from VKN .

5. She shows us the roads to healthy weight-loss. A weight-watchers Utopia? - Neelu of Crossroads. http://neelusutopia.blogspot.com/

6. Its two separate bloggers. Both of them have non-Indian partners and both went on separate trips to the US recently. Do you know them? - Meeta and Shammi.

7. She never got to celebrate her birthday in school with her mates. Neither did she cut a cake as we know it. - Ashwini of Food for Thought. Read this post for more info.

8. Her name is Nalyavan. Doesnt sound right? Well, you just have to change your perspective and youll know it. - Lavannya aka Perspective.

9. She always writes without fax. Sorry, what was that again? - Mythili. She often ends her posts with the words without wax. An important line from this Dan Brown novel.

10. I wonder why she took her turtle-neck sweaters from the US to Mumbai. - Nandita. The answer to this question is here.

Thank you ALL for participating. It was great fun!

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