Sunday, March 26, 2017

Does The Oregon Petition Set The Bar Too High

Does The Oregon Petition Set The Bar Too High

The Oregon Petition, also known as The Global Warming Petition Project, is a petition of scientists to prevent the prevention of climate change. But are the rules for signing too strict?

From the Petition Website we learn that various people can sign:

  • A Civil Engineer can sign because they are "trained primarily in the many engineering specialties required to maintain modern civilization and the prosperity required for all human actions, including environmental programs."
  • A Doctor can sign because they are "scientists trained in the functional and environmental requirements of human beings on the Earth."
  • A Web Designer can sign "Since the human-caused global warming hypothesis rests entirely upon mathematical computer projections and not upon experimental observations, these sciences [including computer science] are especially important in evaluating this hypothesis."
And yet the Petition Project has only 31000 signers after years of operation. In short the rules are too strict for signing. I realized this when I tried to contribute my own name onto the list:

Reconstruction of the Petition form I sent in. As of April 30th, I am still not on the list...

Well to cut a long story short, I am not on the list. Perhaps because I didnt fill out the part that says My acedemic degree is. In fact youll notice I crossed it out because "acedemic" degrees are essentially just enforcement of Team Science.

The main flaw with the Petition Project is that it assumes acedemic degree means scientist

By doing so it sets the bar too high. Am I any less qualified on climate than a vetinary surgeon? What does a doctor know about ice caps? Water freezing and ice melting is at least something I am somewhat familiar with in pipe systems.

A Case In Point

While distributing Petition forms to friends and neighbours I discovered that my next door neighbour, who is a web designer, has a BSc in Computer Science and so is eligable to sign it. Bet you wondered why I singled out web designers earlier, now you know.
But my neighbour knows nothing about climate (he drives a Prius...) and as a result he wont sign anyway. So in this situation all the Petition Project rules have accomplished is warmists dont sign and skeptics cant sign. Is that the intended consequence? Is the Petition Project deliberately filtering out skeptics like me from being able to sign it? Could perhaps the Oregon Petition be a plot by warmists to make it look like there are far less skeptical scientists than there actually are? I am simply asking questions.
Perhaps youll have more success than me at signing. But it appears you will need at least a BSc or equivalent qualification. Dont worry if you havent studied climate or havent published anything to so-called "journals", thankfully at least that is not a requirement.

Available link for download

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