Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Dissidents framed Assange poster

Dissidents framed Assange poster

The speech

Craig Murray, former British ambassador to Uzbekistan and whistleblower, delivered a rousing speech in support of WikiLeaks editor-in-chief Julian Assange just before Assange gave his speech from the balcony of the Ecuador Embassy in London.

“We should not forget what this is about,” he began. “This is about the persecution of an individual who has made life much more simple and more productive for whistleblowers in the Information Age and in an age where, as Western governments become increasingly authoritarian and civil liberties are diminished, we need whistleblowers now more than ever to protect the rights of others.”

You can visit Craig Murrays blog here.

Visit Kevin Gosztolas blog for a great commentary on the recent controversy surrounding Murrays naming of one of the Swedish complainants on the BBC.

The poster

So heres another poster in the asylum series. This one inspired by Craig Murrays speech, which you can read at Democracy Now!

Freedom for Assange is about freedom for all of us. Visit for more information.

Dissidents fitted up with criminal offences

Checkout the initial set of asylum placards here.
And the latest Bradley Manning: Peace Hero posters

Available link for download

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