Sunday, January 29, 2017



In order to compensate, in part, for no longer being surrounded by this,

River at Thingvellir

or this,

I Miss You So Much

(click to embiggen; its worth it)

I have begun working on this:


Its Vetur, a lopapeysa by Védis Jónsdóttir, from Lopi 28. I left Iceland with a sweaters worth of yarn (thanks to Ragga of Knitting Iceland), and had thoughts of designing my own yoke. Theres lots of other work on the table, however; and I decided following somebody elses instructions for a change would be a vacation in itself.

So Im knitting Vetur as written, aside from changing it from the two original colors to four completely different colors.

Yarn for Vetur

And using Létt-Lopi (a spun yarn, with a finer gauge) instead of Plötulopi (which is unspun and slightly bulky).

And trimming some of the lower edge of the yoke, since I dont think a large yoke flatters a small person.

And eliminating the pattern from the body and sleeves.

And altering the neckband.

And making it a zippered cardigan instead of a pullover.

And working it from the top down instead of the bottom up.

Aside from that, Im absolutely going to sit back and let dear Védis do the driving.


Available link for download

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