Sunday, March 5, 2017

Done For Now!

Done For Now!

done! Well, with the projects that I had in mind. Of course, now I feel like I have a hundred more things I could do outside! 

Heres the before, again:

 photo 4BECC79E-1267-4544-80E4-EF4298327201_zpsnvombm5k.jpg

and, after:

 photo 8E22CC07-6409-43CD-B771-0C34F564505D_zpsvcjyqdlb.jpg

so much better, right?! 

I did pine straw instead of mulch, because after calling around to a few mulch delivery places, it just seemed like it was going to be impossible to get a dump truck down the narrow private drive behind our house. I could just see them coming all the way here, me paying $400 for a bunch of mulch, and then it have to be dumped really far away from our back yard! That would be a major pain. So, I just loaded my car up with pine straw and spread it instead. Im really happy with the outcome. It looks 100% better. I am itching to get some landscaping in, but I dont think its going to happen this planting season. Id like to have a good game plan going in, and not sure of that. I do want to get a little birdbath to sit next to this two skinny trees, though. There have been so many birds chillin in the backyard the past few days since we did all that work out there. Mustve dug up some good worms for them. :)

Like I said yesterday, I did the weed and feed on the lawn, hoping it gets back to what it looked like last summer. 

I also added some concrete pavers on the side of the house, to the path to our trashcans! Exciting, I know. We get a lot of water there, and it stays mushy. So, the pavers are going to be really nice.

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I used my string/stake technique to make them very straight.

I decided to plant some tomatoes and herbs, too. I bought two of these types of galvanized metal containers:

and put them along the back wall of the fence, in a spot that gets a lot of sunshine. 

I plan to create something kind of like this:

(from here)

those were clearly very successful! Cross your fingers for my little plants. I bought three types of tomatoes, some peppers, mint, cilantro and basil. Exciting! I love working in the yard. 

Alright, off to plant them! I drilled the holes in the containers last night, and added my drainage rocks and soil ,but havent planted them yet. 

Available link for download

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