Saturday, March 4, 2017

Dodging the Diagnostic Bullet

Dodging the Diagnostic Bullet

I was procrastinating the other day reading a website for Procrastinators Anonymous, a group based on the assertion that chronic procrastination is a potentially life-spoiling problem for many people and should be approached the way one would approach familiar addictions. Their cheery slogan: "Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried." Following the links led me to one list of the ten key traits of the pathological chronic procrastinators:
1. Disappointment is a way of life with us. We constantly disappoint other people and ourselves by not keeping promises that we make.
2. We constantly seek excitement and attention through the negative attention generated by passive aggressive behavior. The excitement comes from not knowing how the person we have "wronged" will react when we see him/her again.
3. We constantly place people in a position of power over us by default.
4. We have taken on the role of nice but ineffectual people.
5. We do not like to be depended upon.
6. We are regularly late for appointments.
7. We regularly procrastinate greatly over the things we have to do. In school this results in incomplete grades, at work in projects that get delayed or dropped, at home in a disheveled place that we are embarrassed to bring people to.
8. We tend to put off making decisions. Many of our decisions are made for us by the process of indecision, lifes inevitable way of making the decisions for us whether we like it or not.
9. We tend to stay single to a late age or not to get married at all, tend to greatly delay breaking off inappropriate relationships, and/or tend to avoid committed relationships.
10. We tend to avoid concentrating on projects at hand, engaging in daydreaming or switching to other less important tasks.
Whew! Im glad only like seven or eight of those apply directly, indeed almost unnervingly, to me. Otherwise, I might be concerned.

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